- just finished a firebase & nextjs project.
- been reading accelerate
- getting exposed to the why of iaas & dev ops
design patterns, interesting time to pick them up, easier to understand now that I have more hours of actual coding under my belt.
bored of the azure course, so i’m moving on from there
considering node for a few weeks
- get more backend experience with node before experimenting with golang?
- Bakani has suggested i look into nest.
it uses decorators like in Angular to do some of the trivial stuff like generating swagger documentation. That for me is the biggest win
And there’s better architecture for your code because you separate features into modules etc
set up a hugo blog that ive been playing with(this site), exposing me to a bit of golang
from shaun, the wizard 🧙♂️
- aws is first preference, all the way
- gcp only if you’re using firebase and frontend stuff
- dynamo db
- a comment on design patterns - reactive extensions
- rx, observer pattern, angular’s basically been built on it.
looking forward
some resources
yet to look into:
- look into choreography(event-based) vs orchestration(comman-based)