- Max Böck (mxb.dev)
- Robin Rendle - no fluff, straight to the point. Overwhelming big wall of text, but I love it! not the easiest to navigate content, but a cool place to hangout nonetheless. You can
through the content, that way you get the links highlighted - jmalvarez’s site
- I’m Jack McDade and I’m tired of boring websites. - love the monospace font here, code-saver.
- monobooth - love the colors, and typography here
- Flavio Copes
- Tom Critchlow
- Jamie Tanna - very very cool blog! Jamie is an advocate for an independent web, he’s put together a very cool site. repo
- Carol.gg - I like the design and feel of this site.
- 37signals
- Derek Sivers
- goosebumps.fm - a collection of some music related sites I love.
- Robert Heaton - this dude is a great storyteller
- Andy Matuschak has rabbit-hole worthy notes. His site has been a recommended read countless times at this point, and for good reason. Here are some key takeaways from his site. Big thanks to Brie for the recommendation
- Andre’s ctrxdmp
- Gergely
- Martin Fowler
- Lead Dev
- Julia Evans
- Irrational Exuberance
- Stay SaaSy
- Julio Biason - Browsing through this site felt like home.
- A common theme here is that I seem to enjoy good typography
- Sites that are primarily used as a second brain also resonate quite deep