Exploring CI/CD options

I’ve spent the last few weeks hammering away at side projects. Truly became the meme “when your side project sees you start another side project”, LOL. But, very worthwhile experiments, cause I’ve been learning a ton.

This note captures some observations, questions, motivations etc etc.

High level requirements

  • Ease of use, as close as possible to being the best in class experience for DX.
  • Simple af, with a minimal set of ’external’ dependencies. If I can just install one cli to get everything from dev, testing, and deployment, that’d be great.
  • Minimal platform risk

Key take-aways

  • If you’re trying to get shit done, choose boring stuff
  • Set up sane pipelines as close as possible to the start of a project. It becomes a chore the longer you put it off


  • Still the best for quick prototyping
  • I’ve been defaulting to Vercel & NextJS for a while now, and mostly have no problems. It’s a set & forget type thing
  • Just keep an eye out

    Many such cases

  • General principle is these get super pricey at scale. Keep that in mind as you build your app & you should be fine


  • Don’t even remember how I found this at this point, probs while lurking on Twitter
  • Great for Serverless Apps that leverage AWS & Cloudfare primitives
  • DX still feels like it gets in your way a little bit, but may very well be a skill issue on my side
  • Was great for learning more about how to dev & deploy on AWS, and has become much easier with more exposure
  • Ion offers a mental model that’s easier to grok, at least that’s how I felt
  • Would not recommend for absolute beginners

Self Hosting

  • VPS + Coolify is my fighter right now. It’s an amazing combination
  • Being closer to bare metal has meant back to Docker. I’m a little rusty, but it’s great to be practicing again.
  • CJ from Syntax has a great series on self hosting. Shout out CJ🙌🏽


  • Thanda & Scott put me onto this.
  • Still looking for an excuse to try it out. Will likely build out some Goosebumps features on pocketbase.

Open source & docs

  • Lot’s of ‘bleeding edge’ open source has gaps in docs. You will bump into issues that aren’t documented, and that can be a little frustrating, but it’s a great opportunity to interact with the community.

Github issues & discord really help plug these gaps. Most open source tools have a discord server.

More IaC


  • I used CDK for a Go project, making use of lambda, api gateway, and dynamo
    • Relatively straightforward, but configuring the environment esp in Go, felt tedious, error prone, and clunky
    • Point above was a skill issue tbh. It’s how I felt when I wrote it, but now, a few weeks later, I find Go a lot easier to read
  • Conclusion: CDK for serverless AWS apps is a great pattern. I’ll be tapping in again


  • Tyler also put me on some stuff. Here’s his process

I’m using only Terraform this time to spin up the infra on AWS whereas before I was using Cloudformation for the lambdas & api gateway and Terraform for like AWS policies. But basically write the code for the lambdas, when I push I’ve got Github actions setup to run the Terraform files which will build and zip the lambda functions and then deploy the code to the lambda Think I’ve also figured out how to run things locally but either way deployments are quick so I can deploy and test the deployed endpoints without issue

Pulumi 👀

  • Dax & friends put me onto this one
  • What I really like about SST ion is it seems you can extend the SST components using the underlying Pulumi primitives
  • The SST codebase is also laid out really well, I had a few DNS bugs that I couldn’t understand, so I read SST internals to see how it was implemented, vs how I was trying to use it. It was definitely helpful for getting closer to the solution
  • Keeping an eye out. Might explore later.

Github actions

  • Still incredibly powerful for setting up pipelines and housekeeping around your codebase
  • Also learnt about act.
  • I generally run this on every push & pull request:
    • Can compile? and relevant static analysis
    • Tests
    • And if it’s a push to the main or staging branch, I create a new build & deploy
  • The short feedback loops are great, you catch issues early, while it’s still fresh in memory. quicker resolution

Biome replaces Prettier & ESlint

  • In the interest of simplicity & reducing number of tools and configs, I’ve replaced Prettier & ESlint with Biome.
    • I’ve been keeping an eye on this project since Rome days, seeing more and more people adopt it has given me confidence to switch over.
    • And also the fact that it’s been around for a while
  • You should see some of the package.json diffs after people replace Prettier & ESlint with biome, lol. And the performance tweets too.

Organising project code

  • My default right now is monorepos. I like co-locating related stuff
  • And given that it’s one man projects, I’ve had no scaling issues. MMV when teams are much bigger and push hella frequently

Publishing packages made easier by JSR

  • I will probably explore sharing code across projects via shipping packages using JSR.
  • I published a module year ago at the time of writing, haven’t really played around with it since, because of no practical use
  • I like what JSR is doing to make publishing source a lot easier.
  • Similar principles to how shadcn brings the source code directly into your codebase🔥
  • Learn more about it’s why: