Version Controlled dotfiles

Dotfiles are useful for all kinds of config on your machine.

At some point, I spent an uncomfortable amount of time editing my dotfiles to personalise my terminal. Inevitably, I had to change machines. Imagine having to lose all those hours of sweat, tears, & effort. Could never be me.

Enter GNU stow + a git repository

Stow allows you to keep one directory as the source of truth for all your dotfiles, meaning you can version control that stuff easy.

You then use sub-directories to manage the different types of config files, in my case nvim, tmux, zsh, tmuxifier

How I stow

Stow relies on how you organise the contents of your sub-directories, Then places those dotfiles where they belong in the home directory, as symlinks.

To illustrate, let’s look at my zsh & tmux configs:


  • If I run stow zsh in the ~/dotfiles directory, the symlink is created at ~/.zshrc


  • Similarly, if I run stow tmux in the ~/dotfiles directory, the symlink is created at ~/.tmux.conf

Also worth mentioning, your dotfiles directory has to be in the home directory for this to work, ie ~/dotfiles. Stow places the symlinks in the parent directory of where you run the command from.

Tracking stable configs

Another thing I like about stow + git -> I can keep track of the last stable version of any config, which gives me more confidence to experiment and change things around.

How to set it up
