Book Notes: Missing Readme


How I found this book

The YouTube algorithm delivered the Software Misadventures Podcast, and it was easily one of my favourite pods of 2024. High quality interviews, good dose of dry humour, and lots of lessons in there.

A few episodes I enjoyed, in no particular order:

Anyway, onto what we’re here for - book notes.

Who’s this for?

The book is aimed at new software engineers, and aims to share the practical aspects of software engineering that aren’t taught in computer science curricula. Or as the authors say:

The Missing README is the book we wish we had when we started out

On Stickiness & rewriting

They quote Ben Horowitz - The hard thing about hard things

The primary thing that any technology startup must do is build a product that’s at least ten times better at doing something than the current prevailing way of doing that thing. Two or three times better will not be good enough to get people to switch to the new thing fast enough or in large enough volume to matter.

Then go on to say

the same idea applies to existing code. If you want to rewrite code or diverge from standards, your improvement must be an order of magnitude better. Small gains aren’t enough—the cost is too high. Most engineers underestimate the value of convention and overestimate the value of ignoring it.

I’ve heard Will Larson say something similar RE migrations. It’s only valuable to engage in a migration if you have 10x more users, or 10x more engineers than when the software was first written.

Use Boring Technology

This one is about managing cognitive load.

All technology is going to break, but old stuff breaks in predictable ways. New things break in surprising ways.

Don’t go rogue

Don’t ignore your company’s (or industry’s) standards because you don’t like them. Your preferences might truly be better. Going rogue still isn’t a good idea. In the short term, do what everyone else is doing.

Similar to using boring technology to keep cognitive load low, follow convention. If you feel things really need to change, start a conversation, go through the established channels, discuss trade-offs and pragmatic approaches. It’s a team sport at the end of the day.

Consider rewrites a last resort

Rewrites should only be undertaken if the benefit exceeds the cost; they are risky, and their cost is high. Engineers always underestimate how long a rewrite will take.

I’m guilty of that last sentence. 💀

Evolving API’s

  • Forward compatibility & backward compatibility

  • Note on protobuffs and required

Remember, required is forever