I went to extremes, felt the pain points on either side, and have landed somewhere in the middle ?
Or rather, have become more aware of the trade-offs, which gives me better grounding in whatever decision I commit to.
With this monorepo setup, I can quickly spin up an app,
and deploy it to a subdomain,
all the CDN & traffic control stuff with cloudflare is already in place
I also moved from NextJS to Vite
This is related to me seeking a better separation of concerns.
I want a thin presentation layer, and want the ability to be able to switch out frontends as time goes.
Keeping an eye out for opportunities to move logic out of react, and into framework agnostic JS. State management comes to mind
I didn’t like that my application logic was becoming tied to a VC funded framework😬
E.G, the thought making a mobile client for goosebumps that’s powered by a nextjs & vercel backend felt offish.