TIL: How to use Hugo CLI in a Remix.run project

Learn how to make use of Hugo CLI in a remix.run project that's powered by markdown content

What Hugo CLI offers

Hugo has a very helpful feature included in it’s cli, it’s the hugo new command, and when combined with archetypes, it can save you a lot of time if you’re constantly making new markdown files, like I am for this site.

How I’ve been using it

when I want to make a new TIL article, all I have to type in the cli is

hugo new til/hugo-mount-config.md

and I get a markdown file, in the right directory (content/til/hugo-mount-config.md), with the following in it

title: "TIL: Hugo Mount Config"
date: 2022-07-12T07:51:06+02:00
description: Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
tags: [til, hugo, cli]
images: ['https://images-here-hugo.vercel.app/api/og-image?title=TIL%3A%20Hugo%20Mount%20Config']

this is what I have in the archetype file (archetypes/til.md)

title: "TIL: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
description: Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
tags: [til]
images: ['https://images-here-hugo.vercel.app/api/og-image?title=']

This is a workflow I’ve become very used to when working with markdown files. Remix treats .md & .mdx as first class citizens, so I’m using that to power my content in a remix app

Hugo Mount Config

This is where Hugo mount config comes in. In the Remix app, I created an archetype directory, but I want the output from the cli to be app/routes, so this is what my config.yaml(used by the Hugo CLI) file looks like

    - source: app/routes
      target: content

and voila, just like that I can use the hugo cli and the workflow I love, in a react environment. Small win ♥

Hugo Docs used