Tagged - TIL
TIL: Elastic Search
Learnt a bit more about Elastic Search. Architecture overview, how to use it, and situations where you'd consider using it.
TIL: Converting audio files to MP3 using ffmpeg
ffmpeg ftw.
TIL: Typography sizing for a blog
Fixing horizontal scroll, refactoring my typography sizing.
TIL: Specify Sst Region
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
How to use your fingerprint as sudo password on Mac
Found this on twitter a while ago. I always have to login to twitter when I'm setting it up on a new laptop, lol.
TIL: Fixed Footer
Time to converge on a general solution to this recurring problem🫡
TIL: Xstate Effect
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Value & Pointer Receivers in Go
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Testable Examples in Go
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Sentry
I set up Sentry on goosebumps.
TIL: Jest SetSystemTime
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Type narrowing using Type Predicates
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Obsidian with symlink to a JS repo
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: How to fix Node Network timeouts
All network requests spawned by any node process were hanging unless I connected to a VPN. Took some time to fix it
TIL: Env variables & Infinite Rerender
useEffect? more like useFootgun
TIL: Obsidian Workspace Fix
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Cognitive Complexity
Refactor this function to reduce its Cognitive Complexity
TIL: Docker Go
Docker networking, containerising a Go application, the difference between expose and ports in docker compose.
TIL: Docker Debugging
I can't believe how much I suffered trying to find out IP addresses and such inside my docker containers😂
TIL: How to publish an npm package
Also set up an automated way to do it, leveraging Github Actions. With changelogs & versioning
fix for - attempt to call local autocmd (a nil value)
An error I faced while trying to get my nvchad editor running
TIL: MySQL Storage Engines
bits about MySQL architecture
TIL: Typescript Enum vs Obj
In some(most?) cases, it may be preferential to use objects over enums. esp when building a lib
TIL: Array Map Async Callback
Running array.map with an async operation as the callback was causing me issues.
TIL: Molecular JS
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: CSRF Tokens
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Mongoose N Stuff
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: How to use Hugo CLI in a Remix.run project
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾Whilst trying to make use of Hugo CLI in a remix.run project that's powered by markdown content
TIL: AWS S3, Lamba, Event Notification
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾Been Learning AWS stuffs from Adrian Cantrill lately, been fun.
TIL: Logs N Stuff
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾Linux infra & logging stuff
TIL: Webpack Basics
We use webpack somewhat extensively at work, had to do a quick crash course to learn my way around. Now the config files don't scare me :)
TIL: Bash Script Automation
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Interactive Git Rebase
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Some Netwokrking, Security & Vim
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Some Docker & Linux
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Vscode Workspace settings
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
TIL: Websockets basics
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Rehydrating HTML Select on Component Mount
There's always some HTML & CSS to learn, always.
Vim - How to Change, Yank, or Delete Until
I've been learning vim for some weeks now, & while editing some text, I thought "hey, how do I delete all this text before the comma?"
Confidence Intervals
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Cypress Intercept
Network request stubbing with Cypress
How Route 53 uses Shuffle Sharding
How Route 53 uses Shuffle Sharding to improve availability when assigning customers to virtual name servers.
Trellis Design
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Jest Unhandled Promise Rejection
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Browser Share Api
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Authentication vs Authorization
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Pnpm Experiments
A little handy tool for running scripts in your monorepo
Pushd Popd
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Remote Procedure Call
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
How to Add a Description to Git Commit
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Nextjs Dynamic Routing Overview + URL params
Something I learnt today. Maybe more than one thing👾
Sagas Microservice Architecture Patterns
notes on the saga's pattern
TIL Some Markdown
some new tricks learnt from Wes Bos' Mastering Markdown
Spotify Shortcode
experimenting with Hugo shortcodes - implementing a way to embed spotify tracks
TIL 6-21-21
graphQL inline fragments…
TIL 6-15-21
very basic angular routing😅…
TIL 6-9-21
Angular mat tree data source options…
TIL 5-31-21
very basic angular routing😅…
TIL 5-29-21
dependency injection & angular schematics…
TIL 5-24-21
ng-container & structural directives…
TIL 5-20-21
Function Expression Hoisting…
TIL 5-17-21
Angular & decorators - misc Angular notes…
TIL 5-16-21
debug tip - Keystone graphql dynamic query - nextjs query params…
TIL(Friday 12 Dec 2020)
Some notes from Andy…
Complete intro to react - notes
Notes from Frontend Masters course titled above, the course is presented by Brian Holt.
TIL(Tuesday 13 October 2020)
Some code snippets…
Finishing up Javascript 30
An attempt to make a habit of finishing courses. A few notes on interesting bits & stuff thought's I'd love to bookmark