use cat
to create and write into a file
cat > readme.txt
This is the readme.txt file.
look what you done
- press
ctrl + d
to save & exit
Modifying folder git config
So, just som egeneral housekeeping, needed a the repo with this site to use my personal git details, and not the global ones. Had to edit the repo’s git config
- notice how this file has no extension
Linux envsubst
command & what you can use it for
The envsubst program substitutes the values of environment variables. src
Helm - Kubernetes package manager
Shifting left on security in the SDLC
- SDLC definitition: Software Development Life Cycle
A way to centralise, parse, transform logs from all sorts of places
Rsyslog is a syslog forwarding facility.
Service Mesh
A way for services to communicate with each other.
- Service Mesh sidecar proxies are a thing. They’re what hijack the requests coming in & out of the pod
Service-to-service communication is what makes microservices possible.
Dedicated infrastructure layer for service to service communication
- This layer comes with a bunch of features we can opt into, without having to write extra code. Features such as:
- Auth between services
- TLS & auto rotation of certificates
- Metrics & logging: requests per second, latency, and more?
- Retry logic
- Auto backoff
- configured in a
Check out
- Linkerd
- Istio