TIL: Type narrowing using Type Predicates

While running an array.filter, I needed to change the type of the variable being returned after the filter logic.

type ThingyOne = {
  item: string
  resolved?: number

type FilteredThingy = ThingyOne & {
  resolved: number

// or
// type FilteredThingy = Required<ThingyOne>

const things: ThingyOne[] = [
  item: 'one',
  resolved: 1
    item: 'two',
  item: 'three',
  resolved: 1


const filteredThings = things.filter((item) => !!item.resolved)
const filteredThingsWithPredicate = things.filter((item): item is FilteredThingy => !!item.resolved)

const accessingFilteredThingWithoutPredicate = filteredThings[1].resolved
const accessingFilteredThingWithPredicate = filteredThingsWithPredicate[1].resolved